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Asthma is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath, that vary over time, severity and frequency from person to person. It is a leading cause of emergency room visits, school absenteeism, and loss of work hours for parents. New evidence shows that vitamin A deficiency correlates with airway hyperresponsiveness because retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, is important for formation of the lung primordium. The study set out to determine and compare vitamin A levels in asthmatics and controls and to compare vitamin A levels among different asthma severity categories. A comparative cross-sectional study of sixty eight children with asthma, aged 6 – 17 years and their age and sex matched controls were recruited from the respiratory clinic and other clinics. The study was carried out between July 6th, 2017 and October 31st, 2017 the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idiaraba, Lagos State. Relevant data were obtained from each participant using a questionaire, then physical examination including anthropometric measurements. Blood samples were collected into plain bottles and vitamin A level was assayed for using RBP by ELISA reaction method at the Central Research Laboratory, LUTH. Vitamin A deficiency was defined as serum RBP <0.70μmol/l. A total of 136 study participants were studied (68 children with asthma and 68 non - asthmatics) with a M:F ratio of 1:1 age (mean +/- SD) 11.06 ± 3.77 and 10.93 ± 3.58 years in children with asthma and the control group respectively. The mean serum RBP levels were low in both groups with 0.61 + 0.35μmol/l in children with asthma and 0.63 + 0.21μmol/l in controls. Although, the mean serum RBP level was lower in children with asthma, it was not significantly different from that of the controls (p 0.063). All asthmatics with severe persistent classification had low serum RBP levels and they showed the lowest mean.