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INTRODUCTION Presence of pathogenic organisms in the vagina may be associated with both maternal and neonatal infection. Of the several maternal deaths and a lot more neonatal deaths that occur annually worldwide, nearly all are in developing countries and one-third are associated with infections. Implementation of proven interventions and research on promising preventive interventions are essential to achieve Sustainable Development Goals for reduction of child and maternal mortality. Feasible, simple, affordable, efficacious, and safe interventions have the potential to significantly reduce the mortality and severe morbidity associated with infection in low socioeconomic settings like Sub-Saharan Africa. Unfortunately, only few studies have been done or replicated in Sub-Saharan Africa on such preventive measures. OBJECTIVE To determine whether cleansing the vagina with chlorhexidene in labour has any effect on neonatal and maternal infectious morbidity and mortality. STUDY DESIGN The study was a single-blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial. STUDY AREA Obstetric unit of Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta. STUDY POPULATION Pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria, consented to the study and underwent vaginal delivery at the Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta. METHODOLOGY The women who consented to participate in the study were randomized into either vaginal cleansing with chlorhexidene or sham vaginal cleansing with normal saline using randomly generated computer numbers once the women were deemed in active phase of labour. Using sterile gloves, a solution-soaked swab-on stick was rotated circumferentially from the vaginal vault down to the introitus. Both groups had the standard vaginal examination and interventions in labour. Postpartum care was the same in both groups. OUTCOME MEASURES The proportion of neonates as well as women in both groups that developed neonatal and maternal infectious morbidity and mortality up till 6 weeks postpartum.