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Aim To determine the prevalence and pattern of cervical cytology among women, who attended various Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Special treatment clinics in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (N.A.U.T.H.), Nnewi. Methodology This prospective study was conducted in the ante-natal, post natal, gynaecology, family planning, and special treatment clinics of N.A.U.T.H., Nnewi from June 2007 to December 2007 after ethical approval was gotten from the hospital. The women were recruited longitudinally after being adequately counselled and informed verbal consent were obtained from the participating women. Semi - structured questionnaire was used to assess information on their bio-data, sexual attitude, risk factors, knowledge, and practice of cervical smear test. The questionnaire was administered by the researcher. The smears were collected by the Researcher and reported by Pathologist. 2001 Bethesda system was used in reporting the cytology result.