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BACKGROUND Hemorrhage is a serious complication that could follow the procedure of myomectomy for uterine leiomyoma. It is important that safe and cost effective measures are ensured so that this complication can be minimized while performing this procedure (myomectomy). AIMS The study explored the impact of pre-operative administration of rectal misoprostol prior to the procedure of myomectomy in reducing hemorrhage among women with uterine leiomyoma at LAUTECH Teaching Hospital Ogbomoso, Nigeria. METHODOLOGY Women were recruited from the Gynecology clinic of LTH, Ogbomoso with emphasis on voluntary participation. The women were randomized into two groups, with one group having pre-operatively 400mcg rectal misoprostol while the other group had placebo made of starch tablets, given at least an hour before the operative procedure.The instrument of survey used was a proforma and data was collected after due consent to participate in the study had been obtained. Analysis of obtained data was done with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.