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Background: Iron deficiency is the commonest nutritional blood disorder worldwide. Serum hepcidin is the key regulator of systemic iron metabolism. Hepcidin levels fall in iron depletion thereby facilitating iron absorption and recycling The objective of this study was to determine hepcidin levels in blood donors and to assess its role in diagnosing iron deficiency Methods: This was an observational cross sectional study in which 90 adult repeat blood donors (subjects) and 90 adult first time blood donors were recruited. Ten (10) milliliters of blood divided into two aliquots of 5mls (in plain bottle for iron status assessment) Hepcidin (sandwich ELISA), Ferritin and Transferrin receptor (ELISA- immunoenzymometric sequential assay). Five (5mls) in (EDTA containing bottle for full blood count). Full blood count was assessed using standard protocols. Curve expert version 1.4 and SPSS (version 16 for windows) were used for data analysis. A p value of <0.05 was considered significant.