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This study is aimed at comparing the outcome of induction of labour with vaginal misoprostol . Women who have unequivocal indications for induction of labour and meet the inclusion criteria will be randomized into two groups: vaginal misoprostol tablets 50ug repeated 4hourly until adequate uterine contractions of 3 in 10minutes or a maximum total daily dose of 200ug of misoprostol is reached. The second group had synchronous use of oxtocin titration after forewater amniotomy. All patients with Bishop score less than seven in the two groups had cervical ripening with insertion of intracervical foley for uniformity in cervical score. The following outcomes will be assessed; demographic data [i.e age, parity, and gestational age] the induction – onset of labour interval, induction- delivery interval, intrapartum complications, mode of delivery and perinatal outcome. The Data obtained will be subjected to statistical analysis using the student t-test for continuous variables and chisquare for categorical data.