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Objective: The objective was to document the laboratory characteristics Anaemia of Chronic Disorders including determination of of serum EPO Levels in these patients. Design: Subject: What is cross – Sectional descriptive study 215 patients consisting of 90 as controls (patients that did not disease) and 125 patients that had chronic have chronic diseases who presented in the outpatient department clinics Method: of the Jos University Teaching Hospital were recruited. Subject biodata and focused clinical history were recorded, full blood count, serum iron, serum ferritin and serum EPO were performed) on all subjects as described by standard methods and according to kits manufacture’s instructions. Result: of the 125 with chronic disorders only 90 72% had anaemia (PVC<33%).of the 90 that had anaemia 82 (82/125 = 65.5%) had laboratory features of ACD (low sermon iron and high ferritin levels). The serum iron and ferritin levels of the controls (18.98+165 respectively) were significantly different from that of the 82 subject with ACD (6.8+242 respectively) )P+0.00,P+ 0.00 respectively). Appropriateness of EPO response to anaemia was determined by establishing an exponential relationship between EPO levels of controls and Hb levels of control. Log EPO +22.446-0.11 x Hb g / dl was establish EPO levels of anaemic subjects by putting their Hb concentrations into the equation. The resulting EPO values were regarded as predicted values. A ratio of observed value over predicted values (O/P ratio) were calculated. O/P ratio <0.8 was accepted as inappropriate response. Patients with ACD had significantly higher (32.1+10.1), P+0.00. Thirty (33%) of the 90 anaemic patients had OPratio less than 0.8 (<0.8). 4 p2 The serum ferritin levels of those With inappropriate EPO response (515.5+268.01) was significantly higher than those with appropriate response (395.83+220.20) P = 0.025 CONCLUSION 65.5% of patients with chronic disorders had laboratory features of ACD. EPO response was inappropriate in 33% of patients with ACD.