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TITLE: Placental parameters as determinants of fetomaternal haemorrhage in parturients. BACKGROUND: Fetomaternal haemorrhage takes place across the placenta in normal pregnancies without identifiable risk factors and as well as when there are obstetric interventions or trauma related complications of pregnancy. This loss of fetal blood into maternal circulation would stimulate antibody production in the Rh D Negative pregnant woman who is carrying a Rh D positive baby and lead to dire consequences in subsequent pregnancies. OBJECTIVE: This is to evaluate whether placental parameters (weight, volume, thickness and grade) at term could be used as predictors of fetomaternal haemorrhage in parturients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In all consenting parturients, baseline bio-data, maternal blood group, Rh D status, mode of delivery and other obstetric interventions were recorded. Obstetric ultrasound was done at 36 - 38 weeks for booked parturients and in labour for unbooked parturients to assess placental thickness and grade. Maternal blood sample and cord blood were taken at delivery. Maternal blood sample was tested for fetal blood cells using Kleihauer - Betke test. The FMH was calculated using Mollison’s formula. Baby blood group and Rhesus status was determined from the cord blood. The placentae of these parturients were collected, washed under running water, trimmed and its weight and volume were measured. Data generated were analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 17 software. Level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.