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BACKGROUND: Primary postpartum haemorrhage resulting from uterine atony is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, accounting for about 28% of maternal deaths in developing countries. OBJECTIVES: To determine the mean intrapartum blood loss between the two study groups and compare the severity of side effects of the oxytocics in the two study groups. METHOD: A randomized: clinical trial conducted in a total of 208 eligible parturients at term. Patients were randomized into two groups (Group A – Syntometrine n=104 and group B oxytocin n= 104 having obtained written consent. The senior registrar in labour ward prepared the drugs for patient depending on which group and was randomly picked and handed over to the midwife to administer at the delivery of the infant and clamping of the umbilical cord. Calibrated drape was immediately put in place and the placenta was delivered by controlled cord traction. All episiotomies were promptly sutured and the blood loss read off from the drapes. Vital signs were taken at 30 and 60mins post delivery. Patients were asked if they felt like throwing up, while noting vomiting and complaints of headache. Blood sample (5ml) was taken for Hematocrit 48 hours postpartum.