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PURPOSE: To determine the ocular status and ophthalmic manifestations of HIV/AIDS patients attending the PEPFAR–supported Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic, UCH, Ibadan. METHOD: A consecutive study of confirmed HIV/AIDS patients attending the PEPFAR Clinic, UCH, Ibadan was conducted. Patients who met the inclusion criteria during the study period were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Investigations including HIV serotypes, the most recent CD4+T lymphocyte count and viral load at time of study were obtained from the case notes. The stage of disease, treatment or non-treatment with HAART and type of treatment were all recorded. The ocular examination done included visual acuity, detailed adnexal and anterior segment examination with slit lamp and dilated posterior segment examination with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 16) was used to analyze the data obtained.