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Haematological parameters are blood indices derived from red cells, white cells and platelets. These parameters in neonates are different from older children and adults. Some local studies had been done on neonatal blood parameters in Nigeria with no consensus on some parameters. None had been done in Calabar. Clinical decisions made based on parameters derived from other localities may be inappropriate because interpretation of haematological parameters is based on established age appropriate reference ranges from a particular locality. Automated machines have better accuracy and precision than manual methods. This work therefore was carried out to establish locality specific, accurate haematological reference range in healthy term neonates in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Calabar. The study was a prospective, descriptive cross sectionalstudy in which consecutive healthy term neonates delivered in the UCTH who met the inclusion criteria were recruited and studied on day one of life in the hospital and on day seven in their homes from January, 2016 to June, 2017. Seven hundred and thirty babies were studied on day one and 659 on day seven. One mililitre of blood was taken into an EDTA bottle on day one of life in labour ward and on day seven of life at homes of babies. Blood sample were analysed using Sysmex KX 21N automated blood analyzer. Data was entered into SPSS version 20 for analysis. Test for normality on all parameters was done by Shapiro-wilk test. Reference ranges were established by mean±1.96SD for normal distribution data and by values corresponding to 2.5th and 97.5th centile for non normal distribution data.