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Supervisor: DR. E. P. GHARORO, DR. V. O. OTOIDE
Institution of Training: CENTRAL HOSPITAL, BENIN CITY.
Year: 2007


The key to the successful management of post partum problems is the prevention of perineal tears and post partum haemorrhage1,2, 3. So attention to and care of the perineum is very vital in the management of the parturient at the second stage of labour 3 . Perineal lacerations especially those involving the anal sphincter and sometimes the mucosa commonly lead to faecal incontinence; therefore, to avoid any form of perineal tear during delivery; episiotomy is of paramount importance. 3,8 . Episiotomy is an incision on the perineum made to increase the dimension of the vaginal introitus during the delivery of the fetus. It is a very common procedure in obstetrics next only to clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord. 2,28 The use of episiotomy is said to decrease the risk of trauma to the fetus, decrease the frequency of extensive perineal tear, protect against urinary stress incontinence. 2, 3. It has been insinuated that there is a factual decrease in the incidence of faecal incontinence, utero-vaginal prolapse and post partum sexual dysfunction with the use of episiotorny 1, 2, 6 . Episiotomy could be viewed on the other hand as a source of injury to the perineum, in that it cuts muscles and nerves, associated with complications such as extensive tears, wound infection, wound break- down and damage to surrounding structures like Bartholin’s gland and duct 5, 6, 23, 29. The advent of episiotorny as an obstetric procedure was witnessed as a routine in conducting vaginal deliveries, especially in primigravidas 25, 27. However, randomised controlled trials and several studies as well as multistage analysis have all shown that routine use of episiotomy have no benefits, 12, 21, 32 and so the policy of restrictive use when indicated is now the practice as it has been found to be associated with fewer post partum morbidity 14 . For episiotomy to be used, there must be an indication 3 which include conditions that require the shortening of second stage of labour like maternal cardiac disease and maternal hypertensive disorders 6,8 Other indications include when the perineum threatens to tear, active vaginal delivery as in instrumental virginal delivery, assisted breech delivery and shoulder dystocia or prematurity as well as in destructive operations 10,11 . Various types of episiotomies exist, these are medio-lateral, midline or median, J-shaped and the lateral episiotomies. The median or midline episiotomy is frequently used in the North American continent of USA and Canada,9,10 while the rest of the world prefers medio-lateral episiotomy. 9,16 The most popular incision in Nigeria is the right medio-lateral episiotomy. 11, 20 While the median episiotomy is easier to repair, it is associated with less post operative pain, cause less blood loss, gives good anatomical results and less likely to cause pain during intercourse. However the median episiotomy are much more likely to extend into or through the anal sphincter and sometimes breach the rectal mucosa which may result in anal sphincter incontinence. 2,9. In contrast, the mediolateral variety has the direct opposite effects of the median episiotomy. 16 The repair of episiotomy also referred to as episiorrhaphy 18, 19 can be carried out by medical students, nursing staff, house officers and resident doctors, all of varying degree of expertise 6 . Morbidity associated with episiotomy may be due to several factors which include the type of episiotomy, the skill of the surgeon, repair technique, suture material, patients immune status and perineal hygiene.6,17 . In most centres in Nigeria including CHB, episiotomy repair is carried out employing mostly the chromic catgut suture because it is cheap, readily available and it is absorbable4,6,20. The more slowly absorbable suture materials of polyglycolic acid (Dexon) and polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) are expensive and not easily available. However, some patients of good social status who are primigravidae and others who may have the need for episiotomy, upon interaction during the ante-natal period can afford the slowly absorbable suture materials of Dexon and therefore, can be used for them when the need arises. Chromic catgut suture is associated with more tissue reaction and post repair mobidity in relationship to the slowly absorbable suture materials4,14,15; and this premise informed this observational prospective study. Complications following episiotomy can be very distressful and can be associated with a lot of suffering to those newly delivered mothers. One way amongst others in ameliorating this distress is to determine the choice of suture materials that could reduce morbidity 4, 5 .

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