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BACKGROUND: Preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes (PPROM) is a significant contributor to adverse obstetric outcome. The need for a continuous search for the aetiological factors to enable its prevention and proper management if it occurs cannot be overemphasized. Empirical antibiotic prescription is often based on the common pathogens and sensitivity pattern from studies done in developed countries and it is very likely that these pathogens would be different from those in our environment. OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of micro – organisms implicated in cases of preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes and the antimicrobial sensitivity pattern at Obafemi Awolwo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile – Ife. METHOD: This was a case-control study of 56 cases of PPROM between 24 weeks and 36 weeks gestation versus controls matched for age, gestation age and parity. Endocervical swab and high viginal swab were taken from both cases and control and sent for microscopy, culture and sensitivity.