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This ten year retrospective histopathological review was carried out to classify, grade and to determine the changing pattern, frequency, age and sex distribution of breast tumours received in the histopathology department of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, (AKTH), Kano from 1st January, 2001 to 31st December, 2010. The study comprised of all cases of breast tumours diagnosed over the 10 year review period. Laboratory request forms and duplicate copies of histology reports were retrieved and relevant clinical information such as age, sex, side and histologic types of the tumours were extracted. Corresponding haematoxylin and eosin stained slides were reviewed and evaluated. Special stains such as Periodic acid schiff (PAS) and mucicarmine were used for some cases where necessary. The tumours were classified according to WHO classification and graded using the Nottingham grading system and the results analyzed using frequency tables and pie chart. A total of 1566 breast tumours were received during the period under review and of these 1035 (66.3%) were benign and 531 (33.7%) were malignant, with a benign to malignant ratio of approximately 2:1. The malignant breast tumours accounted for 11.9% overall of all the malignant tumours while benign breast tumours accounted for 8.3% of all the benign tumours received in the Department from all sites during the period. The age range of the benign tumours was 13 to 63 years with a mean age of 29 years. The frequency of benign tumours peaked in the 3rd decade accounting for 432 (41.7%) cases. The most common benign breast tumour was fibroadenoma (47.1%) followed by fibrocystic change (25.4%). Laterality was documented in 984 benign tumours out of which 541 (55.0%), 414 (42.1%) and 30 (2.9%) were right – sided, left – sided and bilateral respectively. 2 The malignant breast tumours similarly had a wide age range of 15 to 80 years with a mean age of 42 years. Invasive ductal carcinoma(NST) was the commonest malignant breast tumour accounting for 316 (59.5%) cases followed by medullary carcinoma with 61 (11.5%) cases, Invasive lobular and papillary carcinomas each with 37 (6.9%) cases. Of the 1472 malignant breast tumours documented with laterality, 860 (58.4%), 581 (39.5%) and 32 (2.8%) were right – sided, left – sided and bilateral respectively. The malignant breast tumours were graded according to Nottingham grading system. Two hundred and thirty seven (44.6%) cases were classified as grade 1, grade 2 tumours accounted for 133 (25.0%) cases and grade 3 tumours are composed of 161 (30.4%)