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This study is a one year (prospective) cross-sectional (descriptive) hospital based study undertaken at the AIDS Preventive Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) clinic of the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) Jos between December, 2010 to November, 2011. A total of one hundred and fifty skin biopsies were collected from patients ages between 5-60years. Out of these, 43 patients (28.7%) were males and 107 patients (71.3%) were females with a male: Female ratio 1:3. The study showed that the commonest histopathological pattern of skin manifestations of HIV/AIDS in Jos was found to be Kaposi’s sarcoma which accounted for 69 cases (45.3%) of skin lesions and is in agreement with other studies in other parts of the country. The study also showed that 16 patients (10.6%) had psoriasis, 15 patients (10%) had molluscum contagiosium, 13 patients (8.66%) had lichen planus, 8 patients (5.3%) had condyloma accuminatum and dermatits herpitiformis respectively, 6 patients (4%) had eosinophilic folliculitis. Other skin leisons which are not closely linked to HIV/AIDS were also seen.these were malignant melanoma, pemphigus vulgaris, nervus sebaceous,basal cell carcinoma as well as squamous cell carcinoma. 1