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Two hundred and forty subjects from the Family Planning Units of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital who were using copper T intrauterine contraceptive device were studied for their ferritin levels and hematological parameters. They were divided into three groups based on the duration for which they have been using the device. Group A (n=87) consist of those who have been using it for upward of 1-12 months, Group B (n=51) consist of those who have been using it between 13 – 24 months while group C (n=102) are those who have been using it for more than 24 months. 86 women who are not using any form of contraception were recruited as control. The study showed that women on IUDs in this center have lower ferritin level compared to the control group with the lowest level found among women in group B. and also that prevalence of anemia is generally high among the control and studied population with the studied group having higher prevalence of anemia. The study showed that depletion ferritin increased with the duration of IUDs utilization and that the commonest complaint associated with IUDs is excess blood loss during menstruation (menorrhagia). There is the need to institute an efficient system of follow up and adjuvant prophylactic treatment of women on copper T in order to prevent serious anemia among them.