The Psychology of Becoming a Successful Worker

Author: Määttä Kaarina, Uusiautti Sat
Publisher: Taylor & Francis


In this book, we introduce our research on success at work in a very broad sense. This research can be said to have begun during the fi rst years of this millennium. ~Adjunct Professor Uusiautti fi rst focused on work drive in nurses and ~midwives, expanding her analysis to Finnish Employees of the Year, while ~Professor Määttä conducted her studies on love and human relationships. When ~our specifi c research streams converged, we began studying positive development ~in childhood and adolescence as well as in adulthood and later life. We even ~managed to incorporate our ideas on leadership. Now, we think it is time to ~compile our fi ndings into a psychology of success. In many parts of this book, we ~will refer to the route to success – we hope that this book will function as a signpost ~showing the way to happiness-promoting success at work. ~The standpoint in this book rests on psychology, particularly positive psychology. ~This means that we deliberately aimed to combine the themes of work success ~with fl ourishing and favourable development. Our purpose is to inspire and ~challenge researchers and all those interested to examine the possibilities of this ~positive approach and to consider this as one example of how to seize phenomena ~that are diffi cult to defi ne comprehensively but, fi rst and foremost, we want them ~to see the connection between success and happiness.

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