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Introduction to Earth Science
Short Description:Introduction to Earth Science is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Earth Science that can be freely accessed online, read offline, printed, or purchased as a print-on-demand book. It is intended for a typical 1000-level university introductory course in the Geosciences. NewParaThis open textbook includes various features designed to enhance the student learning experience. These include a multitude of high-quality figures and images within each chapter that help to clarify key concepts and are optimized for viewing online. Self-test assessment questions are embedded in each online chapter that help students focus their learning. NewParaAre you a professor reviewing or adopting this book for a course? Instructors adopting or reviewing this text are encouraged to record their use on this form: This helps the book's sponsors to understand this open textbook's impact.NewParaPDF and ePub (coming soon) versions, and a link to order a print version are available at .