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Childlessness in Europe
In recent decades, levels of childlessness have been increasing rapidly in most ~European countries. German-speaking countries seem to be at the forefront of this ~development, as more than 20% of the women living in Germany, Switzerland, and ~Austria who are now reaching the end of their reproductive period will remain ~childless. But other European countries, such as the UK and Finland, also report ~high levels of childlessness. Eastern and Southern Europe did not have high levels ~of childlessness a decade ago, but are now seeing steady increases. This book provides ~an overview of the recent trend toward a “life without children” across Europe. ~It seeks answers to questions like: What are the determinants of childlessness in the ~twenty-first century? Is there an unbroken trend in childlessness, or is there evidence ~of trend reversals? How does the likelihood of remaining childless differ ~across social strata? To what extent do economic uncertainties affect childlessness? ~How do fertility desires evolve over the life course? To what extent does the situation ~of a woman’s partner affect her fertility decisions? How far can we push the ~biological limits of fertility? What role can assisted reproduction play in reducing ~childlessness? How many men fail to have children of their own? What impact can ~family policies have on fertility decisions? Can governments reverse the trend ~toward childlessness—and, if so, should they?