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Chapter 6 Idrætspsykologi med et community psykologisk afsæt
"The overall purpose of this study was to examine how a transformative and community ~psychological approach could affect a socially challenged neighbourhood and participants´ ~perceptions of involvement (young boys, 12–16 years). A social research experiment lasting ~2 years was co-created between researchers, practitioners and participants. A multi-method ~approach was used to ensure that thorough and socially robust knowledge was produced. ~Methods used included questionnaires, interviews, fieldwork and observations. Although several ~notable results emerged throughout the intervention period, the most important results ~were related to the significance of the overall approach regarding these results. Despite the ~challenges faced by researchers, when engaging youth at the margins of society in a co-creation ~process, the approach seemed valuable. Giving the participants the possibility to engage themselves, ~through empowerment initiatives, seems to be a confounding reason for the success of ~the project. Hence, this article will focus upon the benefits of using a community psychological ~approach when working with exercise psychology in a socially deprived community.""Det overordnede formål med dette studie var at undersøge, hvordan en handlingsrettet ~og community psykologisk tilgang påvirkede et socialt udsat boligområde og deltagernes ~opfattelse af sig selv og hinanden (unge drenge, 12–16 år). I den forbindelse blev der samskabt ~(co-created) et socialt eksperiment over en toårig periode imellem forsker, praktikere og ~deltagere. En multi-method tilgang blev anvendt for at sikre socialt robust viden. Metoderne ~omfattede spørgeskemaer, interviews, feltarbejde og observationer. Gennem interventionsperioden ~blev der rapporteret flere resultater på baggrund af projektet, men vigtigst synes at være ~den community psykologiske tilgangs betydning for disse resultater. Den valgte tilgang kan ~anses for at have været det centrale fundament for projektets succes i forhold til at engagere ~unge drenge på kanten af samfundet i en fælles skabelsesproces. I denne artikel fokuseres på ~fordelene ved at benytte en community psykologisk tilgang, når man ønsker at arbejde med ~idrætspsykologi i et socialt udsat boligområde."~