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Chapter 3 Persuasive technologies and the right to mental liberty
The outline of this chapter is as follows. In section 2 we provide a further definition of ~PTs, and present some possibilities that PTs offer for the smart correctional rehabilitation of ~criminal offenders. Next, in section 3, we briefly discuss the right to mental liberty and the ~extent to which this right is guaranteed by existing European human rights. In section 4, we ~discuss three considerations that should be relevant in specifying human rights protection ~against smart rehabilitation. Subsequently, in section 5 we explore whether the use of PTs in ~the context of smart rehabilitation would infringe an appropriately specified legal right to ~mental liberty. We suggest that, in this context, it might be difficult to identify compelling ~distinctions between novel forms of smart rehabilitation and more traditional criminal legal ~interventions, such as the imposition of a prison sentence or a psychological treatment ~program.