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Background Perineal pain is one of the complications experienced by women following vaginal child birth and it causes various degrees of discomfort and morbidity in them. The varying effects of this pain have direct and indirect effects on both the mother and fetus. Aims This study was aimed at comparing the use of paracetamol and diclofenac for postpartum analgesia in women who just had vaginal delivery in LAUTECH Teaching Hospital. Participants The study population included women (both booked and unbooked) who had vaginal delivery. Methodology Recruitment of the participants was done at the ANC and the Labour ward. The study drugs were oral panadol [Paracetamol] and oral cataflam [Diclofenac pottasium] given to patients two hours after delivery after randomisation using computer generated numbers and participants were then evaluated using a proforma and data collected from consented patients. Analysis was done with Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17