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There is a high level of aversion to Caesarean Section in the developing countries not only because of religious and cultural beliefs but also economic cost. Research into ways of reducing cost, decreasing morbidity and making the experience of caesarean delivery bearable for our women would contribute a great deal to reducing this aversion to Caesarean Section and thereby prevent avoidable maternal morbidities. The extended use of prophylactic antibiotics for a full 7-day course following an elective caesarean section is still practiced in many centres in Nigeria . AIM: This study was to determine any significant difference between the incidence of infectious morbidity with the use of a 24 hour antibiotics regimen compared to a 7-day course of antibiotics following elective caesarean section using a cheap and easily available combination of Ampicillin/Cloxacillin and Metronidazole. METHOD: Two hundred patients planned to have elective caesarean section for various indications and who satisfied the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study in two groups of 100 patients each. Patients were randomized to receive either Ampiclox as 4 intravenous doses of 1g statim and 500mg each 6 hourly and Metronidazole as 3 intravenous doses of 500mg each 8 hourly both for 24 hours or same combination intravenously for 48 hours and subsequent oral use for 5 days.