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BACKGROUND Post-partum infection is an important cause of maternal morbidity/mortality in our environment. Caesarean section (CS) is the most common predisposing factor for post-partum infections. Although antibiotics prophylaxis is known to play a vital role in preventing infection following CS, there are varying opinions on when the initial dose(s) should be given and how many doses will be required for effective prophylaxis. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To assess if combined-single-dose antibiotic regimen is as effective as combined-three-doses for post-operative infection prophylaxis in women who had elective caesarean section. HYPOTHESIS There is no difference in the incidence of post-operative infection among women who received combined-single-dose and women who received combined-three-doses of antibiotics prophylaxis for elective caesarean section. METHODOLOGY This was a individual randomized controlled study involving 156 women who had elective CS in Federal Medical Center (FMC), Abuja.All consenting women were randomized to either group A or B using a sequence generated by winpepi computer software by Abramson version 11.65. Following obtaining written informed consent and strict aseptic surgical preparation, intervention group had combined single dose of 1g ceftriaxone and 500mg metronidazole at induction of anesthesia while the comparison group had additional doses of the same antibiotics at 12 and 24 hours. Daily assessment for clinical signs of infection were done until discharge and at 2 weeks xii follow up which is the hospital protocol for all women who had caesarean CS. All participants who developed clinical signs of infection hadsamples collected for microscopy, culture and sensitivity and treated accordingly. Using a proforma (A3), variables including sociodemographic, clinical and outcome variables were collected. Data was shown using tables,bar charts, pie charts, percentages, averages,means, standard deviations,proportions. Statistical differences in means of normally distributed continuous variables were analyzed using independent t-test. Proportions of categorical variables were compared using Pearson’s Chisquare test.Statistical Product and Service Solutions by International Business Machines(IBM SPSS) version 22 was used for this analysis and level of significance was less than 0.05