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Rotational and angular misalignments of the lower limbs are common in children. In most cases, they are part of normal growth process. In a few cases, these growth processes become exaggerated and require correction. In yet a fewer cases, pathological processes are superimposed resulting in deformities that also require correction. Various authors in different environments have used different methods of measurement to establish normal range of values for both rotational and angular profile parameters of the lower limbs for children in their region. Some efforts have been made in our sub-region on the angular profile while little has been done on the rotational profile. The basis for this study is therefore, to provide data on normal range of these parameters in our environment for clinical reference. Various methods exist for the assessment of these parameters. The clinical method has been chosen and used in this study because it is cheap, reproducible, harmless, reliable and lends itself to routine use in our clinics because of its simplicity. The rotational and angular profile of the lower limbs of 600 children 3-8 years of age in Lagos metropolis were determined using clinical methods. The mean tibiofemoral angle for the six age groups studied was 6.0o+ 8.1o A valgus inclination of 8.4o+7.2o was noted at age 3 years which decreased to 3.4o + 8.6o at 8 years of age. The thigh-foot angle showed a mean of 4.4o+8.1o at 3 years. This increased to a mean of 9.4 +7.3o at 8 years. The average lateral hip rotation was 43.5o + 18.6o at 3 years which decreased gradually to 38.5o+ 14.5o at 8 years of age, while medial hip rotation showed a gradual increase from 35.7o + 20.6o at 3 years to 44.3o+20.7o at the age of 8 years. The average total hip excursion was 82o + 24o for the age group studied. Results have been compared with both local and international figures and differences and similarities highlighted. Most of the parameters showed similar pattern of changes with age compared with most other studies. However, the degree of change and timing showed some basic differences which could be attributed to racial and genetic factors, methods of measurement and other environmental factors. It is hoped that findings from this study would help physicians provide better patient care in this environment.