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Introduction: Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death amongst women in developing countries. It is preventable through effective cervical cancer screening programme. However, in Nigeria, screening programmes are opportunistic and coverage is insufficient to make an impact. Integration of cervical cytology screening into routine antenatal care (ANC) presents a window of opportunity for women in the reproductive age group to undergo cervical cytology smear. Aim: To assess the cervical cytopathological changes amongst pregnant women at booking using liquidbased cytology (LBC) in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that was carried out at the antenatal Clinic of AKTH, Kano, Nigeria. A total of 161 pregnant women who fulfilled the criteria and gave their consent were recruited into the study using systematic sampling method at booking for antenatal care. Liquid based cytology was employed using standard procedure and samples sent to histopathology department for analysis. Pro forma developed for the study was used to obtain the sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics of the women and the risk factors for abnormal cervical cytology.