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INTRODUCTION: Abortions, particularly incomplete abortion is one of the commonest presentations in most gynaecological emergency unit and irrespective of the cause, instituting a timely care could go a long way in securing the woman’s reproductive health. World Health Organization (WHO) defines abortion as the expulsion or extraction from its mother of a fetus or an embryo weighing 500 grams or less. Manual Vacuum Aspiration technique is the standard method of uterine evacuation which has been shown to be simpler, cheaper, safer, much effective and easier to use than the traditional D&C technique in preventing post abortal complications. One of the most important aspect this management, is the importance of pain control. Broad spectrums of pain management, ranging from psychological support in the absence of analgesic medication, to exclusive use of analgesics, to use of local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia have been considered. However, the analgesic efficacy and tolerability of paracervical block for incomplete abortions have not been fully evaluated particularly in our environment. OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the analgesic efficacy, tolerability, requirement for additional analgesia and overall satisfaction using ii Paracervical blocks of 1% lignocaine compare with normal saline as placebo among women undergoing manual vacuum aspiration for incomplete abortion in OAUTHC, Ile-Ife. STUDY DESIGN: A double blind randomized controlled trial.