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Two hundred and ten orbitoocular tuomours diagnosed at morbid anatomy department of Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos over a period of ten years (Jan. 1991 – Dec. 2000) were reviewed and analysed. The study present the total number of orbitoocular malignant tumour as 140 (67%) and the benign orbitoocular tumours 70 (33%). Among the malignant, retinoblastoma is the commonest orbitoocular malignant tumour accounted for 26.2%, followed by squamous cell carcinoma 10.5%. The commonest benign orbitoocular tumour is squamous papilloma accounting for 20%, followed by haemangioma 3.8%. These present series were compared with major works conducted in other parts of Nigeria, Africa and western world. References were made to distribution by age, sex and geographical characteristics. The prevalence of these tumours in different populations and stressing the differences found. It was seen that age at presentation are older and the sex is more in female gender than male. Considering, all the reviews, retinoblastoma is reported to be higher among all the orbitoocular tumours in this study. It is important to note that proptosis is the hallmark of orbitoocular tumour and is the commonest manifestation sign at first attendance, a fact which validates the late presentation of most of these patients