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Recent studies have consistently shown that the experience of infertility is linked with emotional responses such as depression, anxiety, guilt, social isolation and decreased self-esteem in the couples. The aim of this study was to evaluate the self-esteem and emotional health of women with infertility. The Index of Self-esteem (ISE), Fertility Adjustment Scale (FAS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were administered to 357 infertile and 381 fertile women The fertile women attending family planning clinic reported higher degree of self-esteem compared to those who were attending the infertility clinic (X2 =7.12, P =0.008). More subjects attending infertility clinic (93%) reported poor adjustment, as compared with (72.5%) of those attending family planning clinic; (X2 =53.65, P <0.0001). Subjects attending infertility clinic indicated higher psychiatric morbidity (52.9%) as compared with those attending family planning clinic (32%), (X2=32.55, P<0.0001). Infertility was generally associated with low self-esteem, poor psychological adjustment and higher psychiatric morbidity. The findings in this study reinforce the need for gynaecologists and health care professionals to look for psychosocial distress in women undergoing fertility treatment. Psychological interventions and improvements in the organisation of care may be necessary for a better treatment and overall outcome in these women.